Product Details for Material from Semikron - SEMIX501D17FS - Three phase bridge rectifier; 1.7kV; 489A; SEMIX13

SEMIX501D17FS Semikron Three phase bridge rectifier; 1.7kV; 489A; SEMIX13

Part Nnumber
Three phase bridge rectifier; 1.7kV; 489A; SEMIX13
Basic price
175,50 EUR

The product with part number SEMIX501D17FS (Three phase bridge rectifier; 1.7kV; 489A; SEMIX13) is from company Semikron and distributed with basic unit price 175,50 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc, Weight is 0.22 Kg.

Type of semiconductor component three phase bridge rectifier Off state voltage max. 1.7kV Rated current 489A Case SEMIX13

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(keyword SEMIX501D17FS Semikron Three phase bridge rectifier; 1.7kV; 489A; SEMIX13)
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